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The Village School

Planting seeds and building soil for a regenerative human future

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It takes a village to raise a Village School...

Your financial support allows us to offer scholarships for families who can't afford tuition. Our families are hard at work building the village, and your support makes it possible for us to ensure that our program remains affordable to them. Thank you so, so much!

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Loving school, from a distance

For the first time this week, we had substitute teachers taking my place at school. It's been an exercise for me in letting go...

Leaving Home

As we begin our unit on Leaving Home, We're entering into the parts of a human life that lie squarely in their future...

Building the Heyimas

It's been an active week at school, with things feeling more in the flow than they have been lately, a welcome relief for me. Last week...

Dreaming of Home

Nonetheless, the quiet and the stillness of winter has taken hold of me. Mostly, I am living in the dark, in the unknown...

Life in the Hinge

This is the Hinge, the place of stillness between the in breath and the out breath, between going and returning. The longest night is coming

Getting Domestic

Settling in, slowing down, getting crafty, keeping warm. It doesn’t sound like much, maybe, but it is. It’s not easy for me to describe...

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